Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blueberry Ice Cream

Although the candy cane ice cream is by far our favorite, the blueberry ice cream (which I'd never seen made before) was really good also.  We don't normally buy blueberries, they are a bit sour for me, but the kids begged me and they were on sale, buy one get one free, so we got them, and then no one ate them.  Since I have this awesome, brand new ice cream maker and I couldn't let the blueberries go to waste, I thought, why not turn it into ice cream.  I did a search on the internet and came across a recipe from the same person who posted the candy cane ice cream!  I knew it would be really good and I was not disappointed.  The only thing I did different was after blending.  Because I used a smoothie blender which purposely has a dull blade to keep the the smoothie thicker, it did not chop up the skins of the blueberries.  I used a very small strainer and pushed the mix through the strainer and as you can see it got out most, but not all of the skins.  I was okay with this, I think it added to the flavor and the visual effect.  And even more beautiful was the amazing purple color the ice cream turned from the blueberries.

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