Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Icing Trials

I made 3 different batches of icing today and have been trying to teach myself to decorate cakes.  It is so much harder than it looks in all the tutorials and youtube videos!  Here are all of my failed attempts from today.  I guess on this project, practice is going to have to make perfect cause I'm not getting it the first several batches that I've tried.
Buttercream icing roses turned out more like cabbages hah!  They were so flat, I don't know yet what I did wrong here.

these are supposed to be apple blossoms and it is just a table of complete mess.

These were supposed to be swirl drop flowers out of buttercream but no matter how many I made, I couldn't get it to work.  These things still look cool though, whatever they are.

These are made out of royal icing and although they are cool looking, they were completely 2 dimensional, I was trying to make regular roses.  the smaller "flowers" if you can call them that were supposed to be apple blossoms but I couldn't figure out that technique either.  They do look quite a bit better after drying.  When they were wet, they just looked like messy blobs.

This was after I gave up on flowers altogether and tried to use up the rest of the royal icing with the only technique I've mastered...the swirl.  Still haven't figured out how to make the leaves have just one point.  When I pull away, they always have 2.  I've kind of figured out if I pull up sometimes they have one point like normal.  I think with more practice I'll get the leaf figured out.

Covering oreos with marshmallow fondant.  That was so hard!  It wanted to wrinkle at the bottom even if I cut it to size.  Trimming the extra off was difficult too.

Oh what a mess.  If the boyfriend came home 10 minutes sooner to this mess, he would have had a cow!

Added embellishments from a previous decorations practice, those were royal icing I think.

These stacked oreos look like baby cakes,  the photos make it look better than it looks in real life.  Its very sloppy.

I got the cookie crumbs and icing all over the white fondant

My poor attempt at piping, broke when I put it on top.  I also cut the fondant too small and it didn't wrap around the cookie.  Fail.

More cabbages.
More practices to come and hopefully some successes to report!


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